
How to apply first line indent in word 2016
How to apply first line indent in word 2016

how to apply first line indent in word 2016

Right indentation means to move the right edge of the paragraph inward towards the center of the paragraph. Let us use the following steps to create right indentation. Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent and then click on the Increase Right Indent spinner available on the Page Layout tab. You can click on the spinner multiple times to create deeper indentation. You can use the Left Indent spinners as well to set left indentation from the same place. Step 2 − You can remove right indentation by clicking the Decrease Right Indent spinner in the opposite direction. You can also use the Paragraph Dialog Box to set the left and the right indentations. We will see this dialog box in the next section.

how to apply first line indent in word 2016

You can move the left side of the first line of a paragraph inward toward the center. Let us see the procedure to perform first line indentation. Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent right and click the Paragraph Dialog Box launcher available on the Home tab. Step 2 − Click the Before Text spinner to set left indentation and select the First Line Option to move the left side of the first line of a paragraph inward toward the center. You can move the left side of the first line of a paragraph leftward, away from the center which is called the hanging indentation. Let us see the procedure to perform hanging indentation. Step 2 − Click the Before Text spinner to set left indentation and select Hanging Option to move the left side of the first line of a paragraph leftward, away from the center. You can control the movement by setting the Indentation Unit. A preview box will give only the idea and not the indentation status. You can use the After Text spinner to set the right indentation.

how to apply first line indent in word 2016

You can try it yourself.How to do a block indent in google docs Show Ruler). So for indenting a whole file: Ctrl + A, then Tab.

how to apply first line indent in word 2016

Create Or Remove A Hanging Indent Powerpoint. Let’s start by creating the most common kind of indent-the first line indent. The ruler has two blue sliders on the left side that are stacked together. #How to do a hanging indent in word 2016 video how to.

How to apply first line indent in word 2016